Saturday, December 8, 2012

Garage Ducts

Our garage had two vents hooked up to our AC/Heater. We did not want to pay to heat and cool our garage, and even with those two vents closed we were still wasting air.

So I ventured into our cramped attic and found the spot where the duct branches off to the garage. It takes about 15 minutes of army crawling across 2X4s and dodging air ducts and insulation to get there. I had planned everything out ahead of time, but of course nothing went like I expected. I ended up having to crawl over there twice, and the second time I spent about an hour and a half removing the duct and sealing it off. The duct on the right splits into two and goes to the two garage vents.

Sheet metal covers the hole where the duct was.

Hillary turned on the air while I was up there so I could verify it was air-tight.
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Fruit Trees

We planted three semi-dwarf fruit trees on December 3. The nursery was running a sale and they were $15 each.

From right to left (above):
Beverly Hills Apple, Shinseiki Asian Pear, Puget Gold Apricot.

We planted the trees in a low spot in the back yard, where all the water from the roof runs off and collects.
That nice mesquite tree provides no shade for the house and will interfere with the fruit trees, so unfortunately it will become firewood after I get a chainsaw.

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