Saturday, February 9, 2013

Den Setback

We were all ready to start doing the texture and finishing up the den. I even borrowed an air compressor and had bought all the materials I needed for the texture. Then I found out that two of our outlets didn't have any electricity. We had the electrician back out, and it unfortunately involved cutting the drywall open again!!! So now I have to fix these holes, and texturing is going to have to wait.
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Getting ready for Spring

I mounted a grow light to a shelf in the garage. The grow light is on a timer.

We've got Brussels Sprouts, 2 tomato varieties, 3 pepper varieties, cucumber, 2 lettuce varieties, spinach, 2 onion varieties, and some herbs.

Thanks Mom and Dad for the compost tumbler! We've got a good batch going in there.
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