Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Square Foot Garden

Haddie enjoyed helping me

I finished building the garden and transplanting all of the seedlings over. Our strawberry plant now has about 10 tiny strawberries growing on it. One of our pepper plants and one of our tomato plants broke and died when we had 40 mph wind gusts. Luckily I had an extra, smaller seedling growing for both of them. So I replanted them but they are going to be a little behind.

I built a fence around the garden to keep out deer, javelina, rabbits, and mice - hopefully. I thought for a long time about how to make a gate. I didn't want to spend very much money because in the next year or two I want to make a more sturdy, permanent fence. I ended up using a variation of what a lot of the local ranchers use - called a "drop-down" gate. Two of the poles are fastened together by loops of wire at the top and bottom.

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